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Web Content Display Web Content Display

Logotyp Una Europa

Logotyp Uczelnia Badawcza Inicjatywa Doskonałości


Web Content Display Web Content Display

Web Content Display Web Content Display

We share academic knowledge

Our science communication efforts include seeking to secure the broadest possible access to science for every citizen, for every student, or simply for every web user. We believe that everyone can broaden their knowledge and benefit from academic meetings, lectures or courses, even without formal education in a given field. All that we need is to offer free and convenient access to materials from different research domains. It is to that end that we carry out the mission of open academia by registering and sharing our projects, including the development of Poland’s first e-university offering free courses in many fields.


We provide the media with quality content

In the age of fake news, we want to provide quality, evidence-based content – also using mass media. We develop cross-sectoral cooperation of researchers and the media, in which reliable and verified information become part of national coverage. We also want to educate researchers in science communication and presenting research in the most accessible form. We want a clearer and broader presentation of science to raise knowledge among members of all social groups.