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Modernisation of synthesis and analytical laboratories at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry JU MC

Modernisation of synthesis and analytical laboratories at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry JU MC

The Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy at JU MC has received funding under the strategic programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University (ID.UJ) - Priority Research Area “Better Research for Better Quality of Life - qLIFE', for the modernisation of the synthesis and analytical laboratories.

A crucial element of the modernisation are state-of-the-art fume hoods that allow safe work with reagents used in the chemical synthesis of new biologically active substances. These fume hoods are connected to new fans and equipped with flow sensors to provide effective protection against potentially harmful vapours. The working area has also been significantly expanded, allowing the extension of the apparatus under the fume hood.

  Apart from the new fume hoods, the laboratories were also equipped with fireproof cabinets for storing flammable solvents, and ventilated cabinets for storing reagents. Above the centrally located workbenches, additional spot extractors were installed to allow the extraction of vapours generated temporarily, outside the fume hood.

Thanks to funding, a modern Buchi Pure C-850 Flash prep - combining the function of a flash column chromatograph with a high-performance preparative chromatograph - was installed in the organic synthesis laboratory. This apparatus represents a significant development in the purification capabilities of synthesised chemical compounds.

In the newly organised analytical laboratory, thanks to IDUJ support, a SiriusT3® apparatus was installed for the automated study of the physicochemical properties of biologically active compounds, such as:

  • acid-base properties - by determining the dissociation constant (pKa) using a spectrophotometric method and a potentiometric method,
  • lipophilicity - by determining the partition coefficient n-octanol/water for a neutral substance (logP) and at a defined pH (logD), as well as the determination of atypical partition coefficients (toluene/water, dodecane/water, etc.)
  • solubility - by measuring so-called intrinsic solubility and kinetic solubility

The instrument will be used by various research groups working at JU MC Faculty of Pharmacy.







Purchase of the eqipment was made with funding from the qLIFE Priority Research Area within the framework of the Strategic Programme “Excellence Initiative” at Jagiellonian University.

Article on the qLIFE PRA website

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