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The Pure C-850 FlashPrep Chromatograph at the Faculty of Pharmacy

The Pure C-850 FlashPrep Chromatograph at the Faculty of Pharmacy

The Pure C-850 FlashPrep Chromatograph (Büchi), purchased within the Excellence Initiative - Research University Programme and the qLIFE Priority Research Area, is an instrument used for the isolation and purification of components of complex mixtures.

Research projects conducted at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Jagiellonian University Medical College mainly concern the study of the properties of new biologically active substances. In the case of original compounds, the precision and efficiency of the process of isolation and purification of the substances under study are crucial to the quality of these studies. Depending on the specificity of the experiments conducted, the demand for the investigated compound ranges from a few milligrams (in vitro screening studies) to several grams (in vivo pharmacological studies).

The Pure C-850 FlashPrep chromatograph enables efficient and automated purification of substances and, by combining the methods of high-speed column chromatography (flash) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-prep), allows the scale, as well as the precision of the process, to be adapted to current needs. Moreover, two complementary detection techniques: UV-VIS and ELSD enable the detection of both chromophore-containing compounds and volatiles that do not absorb UV-VIS radiation. These features results in an increased efficiency of substance purification, shorter process times, and reduced costs and emissions by decreasing the use of solvents and chormatographic columns.


Purchase made with funding from the qLIFE Priority Research Area within the framework of the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University.

Article on the qLIFE PRA website

Konferencja Zespołów Wdrażających Program "Inicjatywa Doskonałości-Uczelnia Badawcza"

Konferencja Zespołów Wdrażających Program "Inicjatywa Doskonałości-Uczelnia Badawcza"

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