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First successful applicants in the “Funding hard competence development” call

First successful applicants in the “Funding hard competence development” call

Within the framework of the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University (ID.UJ) - Priority Research Area "Better reasearch for better quality of life - qLIFE" an action is being implemented to finance the costs of participation in training courses for employees of Jagiellonian University Medical College and employees of Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET).


The first beneficiaries have already received the funding and attended the training courses of their choice.


Dr Gabriela Wyszogrodzka-Gaweł from the Department of Social Pharmacy has chosen an online training course entitled: "Incorporating population variability into mechanistic prediction of PK and PK/PD modelling" organised by Simcyp Certara UK, which focused on the methods and tools for mechanistic, physiology-based modelling of drug administration and development of in vitro-in vivo mechanistic correlations (IVIVC). The lectures and exercises provided the beneficiary with the skills to develop PBPK models, predict metabolic clearance, drug interaction effects, model drug distribution to organs and tissues, and gain knowledge of the effects of transporters and the gut-liver circulation on drug kinetics and interactions, the impact of within-person variability and changes in drug kinetics in different target populations. During the exercises, Simcyp Simulator software was used.


Teresa Płatek, MSc, from the WL Molecular Biology Laboratory, has chosen a residential course. On 7-9.07.2022 she participated in a 3-day training workshop entitled. "Next-Generation sequencing data analysis - Workshop for beginners", organised in Warsaw by SEQme.  The workshop programme covered the basics of bioinformatics analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) results, in particular assessing the quality of raw data and performing the basic steps of primary, secondary and tertiary analysis. In the theoretical part of the training, participants were introduced to the basics of the method, sequencing steps, technological differences and possible applications in research. Available free software for bioinformatics analysis was also presented. The skills acquired during the course will be used by the beneficiary in the analysis of NGS sequencing results already in her possession, and will enable further use of the NGS sequencing technique in the implementation of her own and the Department's projects.


Dr hab. Barbara Wiśniowska, from the Department of Community Pharmacy, attended an online training course entitled "Non-oral absorption" organised by Simcyp Certara UK.  The course topics covered methods and tools for mechanistic, physiology-based modelling of topical drug administration, developing in vitro-in vivo mechanistic correlations (IVIVC) and conducting virtual bioequivalence studies (VBE). Lectures and exercises provided the skills necessary to prepare PBPK models for drugs administered to the skin and mucous membranes, taking into account the form of the drug and the transformations taking place within it. The aims and methods of developing IVIV correlations were also presented. During the exercises, Simcyp Simulator software, the MechDermA Multi-Phase Multi-Layer (MPML) model and the IVPT module were used.


The cost of participation in the training is funded by the qLIFE Priority Research Area within the framework of the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University.

Article on the qLIFE PRA website

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